Monster Walk | Knee Hug | Open the Gate | Close the Gate | Quad Stretch | Inch Worm | Walking Lunges | Ground Sweeps | Spiderman Walks
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Monster Walk
Purpose: Stretches Hamstrings
Action: Walking distance of 20 yards, kick one leg up in the air to a comfortable height while trying to touch the toe with the opposite arm. Repeat for full distance of 20 yards.

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Knee Hug
Purpose: Stretching the Glutes
Action: Walking distance of 20 yards, bend one knee up into your chest. With the same side hand hug the knee across to the opposite shoulder, opposite hand helps pull the knee across at the shin. Repeat as many times alternating for the distance. Make sure not to twist the knee.

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Open the Gate
Purpose: Warm Up the Hip Flexors and Groin
Action: Walking the distance of 20 yards, every 3 steps, march one knee towards your chest, then rotate out to the side while keeping it bent and then return to the ground, alternate and repeat for the complete distance. Keep your trunk tall and your toes up.

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Close the Gate
Purpose: Warm Up the Hip Flexors and Groin
Action: Walking the distance of 20 yards, every 3 steps march one knee out to the side, then circle in across your body and return to the ground, alternate and repeat for the complete distance. Keep your trunk tall and your toes up.

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Quad Stretch
Purpose: Stretches Quadriceps and Hip Flexors
Action: Walking the distance of 20 yards, grab the ankle of one leg with the same side hand. Keeping your chest tall, bend over at the waist and touch the ground with the opposite hand. Return to standing then return the foot to the ground, take a step and switch. Repeat alternating sides for the complete distance.

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Inch Worm
Purpose: Core Activation, Hamstring and Calf Stretch
Action: Starting in a push-up position, keeping your knees straight, inch your feet in towards your hands, folding yourself in half until you feel a good stretch in the back of the legs, hold, then slowly walk your hands back out, keeping the belly tight and the knees straight. Repeat the distance of 20 yards.

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Walking Lunges
Purpose: Core Activation, Hip Flexor Stretch
Action: Walking the distance of 20 yards, step forward with one leg, bending the front knee and dropping the back knee straight down towards the ground, reach both arms overhead and slightly lean back pushing your back hip forward. Return to standing then alternate to the other side. Repeat in alternating fashion for the distance. Keep your belly tight when performing this exercise and avoid leaning too far backwards.

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Ground Sweeps
Purpose: Core Activation, Hamstring and Calf Stretch
Action: Walking the distance of 20 yards, step forward with one foot, swing your arms backwards, then slowly sweep your arms forward brushing your finger tips against the ground then return to standing. Repeat on the other side the total distance. Emphasis on keeping the core tight with the back straight, and the leg that is forward straight.

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Spider Man Walks
Purpose: Core Activation, Hamstring and Groin Stretch
Action: Starting in a push up position, walk one leg up to the outside of the same side hand, bending the knee to accomplish. Walk your hands backwards while standing up in a slight split position, bring the front foot upwards, hold, then walk your arms out until you are back into a push up position. Repeat on the other side, alternating the length of the whole distance. Keep your belly tight the whole time.

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