Pregnancy & Post-Partum Back Care

This program was developed as part of the Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network’s women’s health initiative.

HHCRN Back & Neck Pregnancy Post Partum Back CareThe American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reports that back pain is one of the most common discomforts of pregnancy. Prevalence of low back pain and pelvic girdle pain is estimated to occur in 56-72% of women during pregnancy. HHCRN’s treatment program gives pregnant women the tools to minimize pain and optimize function in order to progress towards a safe and healthy delivery.

Any women experiencing back pain during pregnancy or the post-partum period is a candidate for treatment.

The Pregnancy & Post-Partum Back Care Program

Comprehensive, individualized physical therapy evaluation and pre-natal and post-natal exercise plan:

  • Education about body changes that occur with pregnancy, proper posture and body mechanics, ADLs, and special clothing and supports.
  • Assessment and treatment of pelvic floor weakness.
  • Assessment and treatment of diastasis recti abdominis.
  • Gentle mobilization and muscle energy techniques to correct musculoskeletal dysfunction.
  • Application of thermal techniques for pain relief.
  • Positioning recommendations for sleep and work.

Pregnancy & Post-Partum Back Care Locations

Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network